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Who Is Dr Who?


This article was sent to me about my beloved loving father by Ukera Peera of USA, who was his right hand on his wedding day. I would like to share this with you all.

Please do remember my beloved loving father in your duas and prayers. I shall drop down another mail, in a day or two to thank you all for the words of comfort.

May God Bless U All

Akil Ahmed ( Dr. Who Jr)
(Click here to view some photos of Akil)



May Allah the Ever Kind, bless Hussein Ahmed Hussein (Dr.Who) and all our "wali wale daiyya" Amen. Marhum Hussein was famously known in Zanzibar as Hussein Sheru Karani. He was one of indeed very few who were known with their mother names. He also used to live opposite our house in Zanzibar. He and Sherali Thaver of Toronto used to work with/under Marhum Mohamedhussein Karmally (Ashik's father) in Health Office Zanzibar and World Health Organization, and WHO dept also played part in Marhum's nick name of Dr. WHO. Marhum was a creative type, vividly I recall, he had created a fan out of torch light, and many such electronic things. He was very health conscious, and a great fan of soccer (football), and he used to run a football team, but I don't recall the name of our team, he charged us some 30cents as a signing fee, and ten cents as monthly subscription.

Marhum Hussein approx 61 years was working in Daressalaam with Muhimbili Hospital running a food-canteen there. Working there, he became very helpful with medicines, pills and if you were willing, he would treat you. Marhum somehow appeared to have remedies for all kinds of health issues. He was what you can say a kind Taki Daktar.

There was no limit of jokes Marhum would take, anything, you could say anything to him and he would smile or respond back equally, all in light manner. Sometimes I was flabbergasted to see the Zanzibaris and Daresslaamites alike joking with Marhum so much. Marhum's survivor, Akil is very much and equally humorous like his father.

He was so famous as Dr. Who that even Mulla (Rahmutullahi Alaih), if I recall this correctly, had mentioned him jokingly on the mimber. I don't remember what was the occasion.

I heard in Daressalaam that Marhum was once in a deep deep trouble with his Brother, Bha Mamsen Mohamed Hussein (Kokoni). It is heard, said or believed that Mohamed Hussein got a call early in the morning from Marhum Hussein stating that "Bha Mamsen, you say Chaliye Madina and you don't provide tickets?"

Now how can these memories die? More such tales can be heard from Liaqat Alloo, Sheni Jacksi, Gulam Dedhar, Mohamed Nathoo, Raza Lakha, and Mohamedraza Gulamhussein. I hope these folks get together and put in record all these memories in remembrance of Marhum Hussein. My heart tells me Marhum is Jannati and he is dwelling there with the Mursaleens.

 Marhum is related to me thru my Phua Marhum Jaffer (Karani) Moloo. He will be dearly missed, he is one of those characters who just don't die, he will be dearly missed. May Allah (s.w.t) grant sabr to Akil, Marhum's sister Zehra Bai and Marhum's widow, Shakki Bai.


I don't need to add this, but as I am relating this to you, I am being taken over emotionally. Wa Lillahil Hamd.


(Click here to view interesting article from Ukera)


Last updated December  2007 Copyright © Mahmood Fazal 2005 - All Rights Reserved Created By Husain Fazal