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Some History/Background Notes On The Origination Of The Dewani Family Tree


I am currently keeping in touch with my chacha Akbaraly Nasserali Fazal and obtaining details on the first origins of the Dewani Family Tree. But, at this time I thought of sharing the following:

On the passing away of Fazal(Baplo) Mohamedali Fazal

In Akbaraly's (letter to me of June, 1992) words describing his fondest memories of Marhum Fazal(Baplo) Mohamedali Fazal :

"Whenever Marhum Baplo used to visit Dar from Mwanza, we used to discuss and fill some undone job. Some years back there were some good old timers who used to visit my shop, sit with us and recall and review the 'kinship' and that once ....... 'golden memory'. The sudden death of Marhum Baplo made me shelve and thus bringing to frustration. He died in October, 1986 on the 23rd of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. I flew to Mwanza together with his sister (Zehra(Mohamedali Fazal) Ahmed Gulamali Alarakhia) for his funeral and the final respect. May Allah rest his soul in Eternal Peace. Amin".

On the issuing of my first computerized version of the Dewani Family Tree in 1991/1992

In 1992 after distributing copies of the Dewani Family Tree (prepared using a long spreadsheet format), my chacha Akbaraly's (letter to me of September, 1992) acknowledging receipt of same:

"I received your 3 copies of the Dewani Tree ...... During the marriage of Faiza (Faiza (Fazal(Baplo) Mohamedali Fazal) Mohamed Saklain Meghjee) d/o Baplo in Mwanza early 80s, many guests, relatives and kins were invited from abroad to Mwanza, many responded. As the tree project was in the process it impressed all the attendants and were enthusiastic to possess a copy, showing their detail, while project was on large scale - it was done in Gujarati.

You see, there you are! Our forefathers used to record and keep all their notes and collection even signature in Gujarati. I had some collection of them.

Your great grandfather had to travel to Zanzibar from India passing through Soviet Russia border in order to get to the Middle East on the backs of camels, horses' saddles and many other ways. The document was signed in Gujarati, he and his family were issued the appropriate papers by the New Colonial Government in Zanzibar, granting him and his family to acquire special necessary assistance and protection as their subject throughout the countries they sojourn".

You inquired about that "huge elegant tree", forget it my son! It is very difficult and that does not worry me at all - I don't need it, in fact I have developed proof with me, this is developed from genuine "Old Scroll" which passed hands and latter developed till 1980s. The Old Scroll was small and enlarged to about 72 inches x 54 inches but in Gujarati, as it was found originally with my father".

Last updated December  2007 Copyright © Mahmood Fazal 2005 - All Rights Reserved Created By Husain Fazal